Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Having majored in history, I always find myself reflecting on the true meaning of July 4th.  After all, it's about celebrating the birth of our country.  I know on my own birthdays I tend to think about what I've accomplished in life, what I am thankful for, and memories of past birthdays - happy and sad.  There is so much positive to celebrate this 4th of July.  We live in a truly free democracy.  We are a nation of prosperity, ingenuity, and entrepreneurs.  Others look to our nation for inspiration and guidance.  America is truly a wonderful country!

My birthday wish for our nation this year is simple,  I wish us the fortitude to tackle our nation's problems at home - homelessness, education, unemployment, and poverty - with the same headstrong, purse strong, and collective determination to prevail that our nation, for so long, has pursued in other parts of the world.

Happy Birthday America!

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